
Select the Log In link in the main menu. Select Signup Form from the top menu and follow the instructions to renew your subscription.

Select the Log In link in the main menu. Select Forgot password and follow the instructions.

Go to this address: https://www.familypast2present.com/amember/member/ and log in to your account. Select Change Password/Edit Profile under Useful Links and follow the instructions.

General Information

It may take a minute or two for the report to appear if there is a lot of data in your account.

Your browser may have pop-ups disabled. Go to the browser settings and allow pop-ups for FamilyPast2Present.com.

Your browser may have pop-ups disabled. Go to the browser settings and allow pop-ups for FamilyPast2Present.com.

In Reports, select Genogram Report to open the report. It may take several seconds to open depending on how much data is in the report.

In the browser, select Print (e.g., Print icon or File > Print). In the print dialog box, select PDF and/or Save as PDF.